Thursday, March 22, 2012

I'm getting too old for this!

I've just spent the last week working in the warehouse, packaging  foam & finally loading the truck today.  I've gotten up early & worked late every day. I've told hubby I am too old for all this maunual, heavy labor.  I hope someday he'll open his ears so he can hear what I'm saying.  He's working terrbily hard too & he's 10 years older than me. I don't know how he does it.  On a better note, my son loves his new job & he's making very good money so I am so happy for him.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Seven year old possesses adult body!

Why is it adult children sometimes revert to seven years old when dealing with their parents?
This week my 34 year old son totally lost his temper then later said he only reacts this way when he's in our home!  Really?  From his perspective I sometimes bring out the worst in him.  He has temper  tantrums that he is well beyond except when he comes home.  I told him I'm sorry he feels that way which pissed him off some more.  I honestly do not know why he got so angry.  He works for us and had planned on taking our semi-truck so he could take his daughter, dog & girlfriend with him for a week on the road.  He just assumed that would be perfectly fine but didn't ask before hand.  The truck window and heater both needed to be fixed, which couldn't be done immediately, so he couldn't take that truck.  The other truck he could take would only carry one additional person.  He couldn't get his way so the tantrum began.  The next day I told him I expected him to pay a ticket he got which was not associated with equipment but was because he didn't keep his log book up to date.  Well here we go again.  Cussing & yelling just like yesterday except by text! 
When he got back on Friday he was apologetic but come on, how am I responsible for your fits.  And what is it I am doing that is so wrong?  I just don't get it, I wouldn't let any other employee do some of the things he does but he thinks that is one of the good benefits about working for me!  And I certainly wouldn't put up with another employee cussing me out.  This just can't go on. 

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Showers of Blessings!

I pray for rain and pray some more then curse the rain when it comes!  Lord you bless me in so many ways yet I grumble them grumble some more.  Help me Lord, in 2012, to stop grumbling and start praising you more. Please help me Lord when the showers come to thankfully dance in the rain! 

Monday, December 26, 2011

New Day - New Work Ethic

It seems employees are really changing.  Gone are the days of working at the same company for 35 years.  A company with 401 k's and insurance and vacation.  A place where you came to work even when you weren't feeling very well.  You were on time and worked late when needed. Ah for the good old days!
Today people text you to let you know they won't be coming in.  They had to go out of town or need to speak with someone about their past due loan or need to take their kid to the dentist.  Good grief people, can you try to work your employer into your schedule!!
I had a lady that worked for me for about six months.  I think she only had two weeks that she made it to work every day that week.  She's my "friend" on facebook and talks about other people with no work ethic!  When I told her I wouldn't need her the week between Christmas and New Year because we were closing that week she texted me the following Monday to let me know she had to find another job she could count on!  OMG! Really!
I've had people leave at lunch and never come back.  I feel a sense of responsibility to my employees.  I try to suffer through slow times because I don't want to cause them financial hardship. I've come to understand most people expect me to be loyal to them in spite of how they treat me.
I long for the days when people actually had a good work ethic!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Uggg! Will anything ever turn around?

What a day!  Allan came in early this morning to give me his two weeks notice.  I was totally shocked.  Up until this morning he'd always said he loved his job!  I can not believe this.  RP offered him more money but he said no.  Now we need to find someone else & it wasn't easy finding Allan.  I just want to quit.  I cannot take the constant pressure.  I'm just fed up.  I did get a good comment about Jason from another customer who appreciated his professional, positive attitude & personality.
Tim called RP on Monday & said his girlfriend was moving to OKC & he wanted money to pay for her move!!!
Then Kim called him the next morning saying her gas was turned off so he needed to send her money!  He said I just gave Tim $1000 2 weeks ago when he came up there but she said Oh he's already spent that!!!
Will this never end?  Please Lord help us out, we're drowning.  Small business ownership has gotten very difficult in the last couple of years.  Worse than ever before for us.
I am enjoying the class Intro to Internet Writing that I started taking.  I hope I can learn a lot & possibly open up some bright, new possibilities.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Complexities of Life 12/18/2010

Life is a complex journey with many bumps, curves, mountains & valleys along the way. Sometimes there are rolling hills with lush, beautiful scenery on a cool, sunny day. Other days are dark and threatening with rain coming down so hard we can't see the road in front of us. With experience we learn to navigate a host of conditions.

When the unexpected happens we don't always react well. We are cruising along feeling the warmth of the sun, the wind in our face, and listening to our favorite tunes. The car hugs the road as we take the curve. We weren't anticipating another car crossing the line, meeting us head on. The crash leaves mangled wreckage, scattered debris, horrific injuries and death
Divorce is like a head on collision. It fractures lives, people, homes and families. Nothing will ever be the same again. People are broken, relationships die and the effects are long reaching. No one is an island. We each make decisions that not only affect us but everyone around us.

Of course there are many reasons people divorce. Sometimes we confuse lust with love. Lust is an emotion. Love is a decision. When we first meet someone we may think about how good looking, funny, clever and otherwise desirable the other person is. That is lust. We don't know the person but we are attracted to them. We like their looks and some qualities so we want to spend more time with them. As we spend more time with them we will get to know them. After a while we may find we want to spend more time with them. But it's also likely we will realize we don't have much in common or that we just don't like the other person. I believe we would do better if we spent more time during this courtship period. Too often we rush into commited relationships, especially women, to prove to ourselves or the world that we are lovable.

We live in a fast paced society in the United States. We want instant gratification. We get married too quickly with no real commitment. Although for better or worse is in the wedding vows most people say, the truth is we only want the better. When the worse comes we want out. Now don't get me wrong, I understand nobody really like the worse part but the truth there is going to be some worse. If we didn't have bad times we wouldn't appreciate to good.

I've witnessed the effects of divorce from many angles. I have seen it from my own perspective as a divorced woman, a single mother and a woman in a second marriage to a divorced man. I've seen it from my second husbands perspective and how it affected his relationship with his kids. I've seen how the lives of my son, my husbands kids, my sister and friends have been changed. Most recently I have been watching the lives of my son, his wife and their daughter unravel. It may be the most difficult thing I have witnessed. Maybe because of the love I feel for my son and granddaughter. It hurts to see them in pain and it hurts to know the challenges and pain that lies ahead for them all. I believe their marriage might have been saved if they spent as much money trying to save the marriage and they've spent getting a divorce. It is just so sad.

If I could attribute one cause to the divorce crisis it would be selfishness. We are all eat up with self. If we could truly love others as much as we love ourselves divorce rates would drop drastically. Most of us love our children enough that we can look past their faults and failures and still love them with all our hearts. Oh that we would love our spouses so much.